Join Us!

Become a Member of The SC Horse Council
and American Horse Council

Join Today!

click for membership

Add your Voice

click for more Information

What The Council Does For You

UNITES equine enthusiasts regardless of specific interests on matters that impact our right to own and keep horses/ other equines for business and recreation.

REPRESENTS equine enthusiasts on issues affecting the equine community and the industry we support. The SCHC Membership in the
American Horse Council ensures that we are also represented in Washington.

EDUCATES members, elected and government officials and the general public about the benefits of equestrian activities and programs.
These include the Youth Scholarship Program, Horse Welfare, Stallions to Geldings Grants, Trail Mapping, SCHC trail ride, Annual Expo, clinics,
seminars, and disaster preparedness plans.

PROMOTES the common interests of the horse industry in SC.

What You Do for the Council

JOIN!  Any individual, family, farm, business, or organization interested
in horses and the equine industry should join the council. 

Power exists in numbers. People who share a love for, interest in, or investment in horses and the horse industry have united to insure that
their views are represented to state and federal agencies, the media and the public at large. 

Your membership adds strength to assure that your voice is heard in our continuing efforts to keep our animals, maintain our trails and recreation areas, and protect the future growth of our state horse industry in recreational, business and personal endeavors. 

Your membership helps to defray the cost of SCHC programs and efforts to assure your voice is heard. 

To receive the latest Important Equine News or
what is going on in SC
Join our mailing list

Benefits of Membership

Here is what membership in the Horse Council does for you:

  • E-Newsflashes to SCHC members on important issues and events around the state of South Carolina.
  • Bi-Annual Printed Newsletters are mailed to SCHC members.
  • SCHC is an Organization member of the American Horse Council (AHC).  As a member of SCHC, you are eligible for discounts with John Deere, Sherwin Williams, Office Max, UPS and Double R Manufacturing.  Contact Katie Greene at AHC, 859-806-2750 for details or click here.  All AHC Newsletters are forwarded to the SCHC members to keep them informed of important national issues that may affect their horse interests.
  • By presenting your current membership card, you receive a 10 percent discount on selected merchandise at a variety of equine-related stores in your area. This is a growing program, so check your newsletters and the SCHC website for up to date
  • Discounted prices for State Equine Liability Signs for your barn, as well as Ball Caps, T-Shirts, Hoodies and Front Plate Tags with the SCHC Logo.
  • Discounted entry fee to the Annual Equine EXPO, which includes nationally known Presenters, a Vendor Village and Exhibitors/Demonstrators, plus children activities.
  • Informative Horse Related Clinics that are held across the State of South Carolina .
  • The Council is spearheading responsible Horse Rescue efforts
  • The Council is spearheading  a ‘Stallion to Gelding’ program throughout the state.
  • By partnering with communities state-wide, the Council is participating in a disaster preparedness plan.
  • By partnering with communities state-wide, the Council sponsors a Youth Scholarship program.
  • The Council has mapping and publishing trail riding opportunities on public lands.
  • Access to numerous council-sponsored trail rides throughout the state. Information is posted in newsletters and on the website.
  • You are eligible for membership in the Equine Land Conservation Resource, an organization that partners with other
    equestrian groups to promote land conservation and trail access.  Visit or call 859-455-8383.
  • Represents the South Carolina Horse Interests on important Legislative concerns.

What You Do for the Council

Membership Benefits are evolving yearly based on the concerns and interests of its membership.  By being a member, you voice your interests and concerns that SCHC will work to represent. Our membership is composed of men, women, and children who are involved with horses
from across the state of South Carolina. We have membership classifications for youth, individuals, families, farms, associations, life, and
commercial organizations. Although the equine community is composed of people with many varied interests, we all share at least a few common goals:

  • to protect our right to enjoy our horses
  • to improve Awareness of the Economic Impact the Equine Community has on the State of South Carolina
  • to improve our knowledge and abilities as horse owners

The South Carolina Horsemen’s Council strives to fairly represent the interests of all horse people and groups across the state. We support breed associations, show groups, hunter/jumpers, trail riders, saddle clubs, Thoroughbred racing, commercial enterprises, and all equine groups, as well as the individual pleasure horse owner. We encourage all equine owners and associations to join us and give us the strength of numbers we need when we face difficult legislative challenges and other broad issues.

 Our Board of Directors consists of volunteers from all over the state with varied equine interests just like you. The people on our Board volunteer their time, energy, and personal expenses to represent the Horse Council members. Our Board meetings are always open to all members. Come participate in our Board of Directors meetings and give us your views and tell us what is important to you. Sign up now, so that you can have a voice in what your council does.  Every member counts and enhances our ability to serve the equine community.  SCHC’s strength is in the Number of Members.

Membership Form - Payment

To be added to our membership roll and receive your membership packet, please fill out a membership form.

Return by mail or email (
By joining SCHC you agree to be signed up to our Newsletter list from

You may opt out at any time by Unsubscribing.

AND, as a new member you can get a SCHC Royal Blue T-Shirt for only $10 when joining.
••> For Venmo, just make an extra note for the new member T-Shirt when joining .
••> Make a note of shirt size when ordering.
••> Paypal for new member T-shirt link >>>

You can also get or add Insurance through Equisure.
See blue button below for more information.

Please Be Aware:
Do not use any
OLD Membership FORMS!
The Insurance requirements have changed for 2025.

Whoa Nelly!
What happens if I want to send a Check?
Well then, make a check out to:
SC Horse Council
Then address it to:

SC Horse Council Membership
7 Clevington Ct
Simpsonville, SC  29681
{make a note which membership you want}

​You may Checkout with
PayPal below or ​Venmo:
name ​@Guy-FH
Last 4 digits of phone # 9145
​Don’t forget to email form!

Or, in the Venmo note box, please put name, address, phone, email, and level of membership.

Yearly Membership

  • Individual – 1 vote : $20.00
  • Youth – no vote : $10.00
  • Family – 2 votes : $30.00
  • Farm – 3 votes : $35.00
  • Association/Non Profit – 3 votes: $35.00
  • Discount Membership with
  • Affiliated Association​: 1 vote $10.00
    Affiliated members will be checked
    ​with their association.
Membership Classifications
Choose Affiliated Association from Dropdown Menu
Member’s Name
Email or Phone #

LIFETIME Membership

  • Individual – 1 vote $200.00 USD
  • Family – 2 votes $300.00 USD
  • Farm – 3 votes $350.00 USD
LIFETIME Membership Classifications
Lifetime Member’s Name

Are you protected? Need extra Insurance?
EQUISURE has you covered!

For Members Only!

The policy link will take you through You will be directed to set up an account first, then the insurance.
This is your unique Horse Council code when making payment: SCHORS1

Equisure : Equine Personal Excess Liability

Policy Term:
January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025

Equine Personal Excess Liability

United States of America, its territories or possessions

Certain Underwriters at Lloyd’s, London

A.M. Best Rating A

Policy Limit

Please note: The Occurrence and Aggregate limit apply either per individual or shared by family.

Each Occurrence $1,000,000

Aggregate Limit $1,000,000

Premium: $25.00* per declared individual, $50.00* per declared family

Individual” is to be defined as: a single member.
Family” is to be defined as you, your residence partner, and your resident children under 18 years of age.

The effective date of the policy will be the date valid payment is received.
Certificates of Insurance will be emailed within 10 days of valid payment.

Membership Perks

For SCHC Members ONLY

This Page is designed to offer existing Members of South Carolina Horse Council special discounts. 
  We will continue to broaden offers like these to our Membership .  
Check back regularly. 
  Also, check  for other benefits of being a member of SCHC!

Personal Excess Liability Insurance
The SC Horsemen’ council is very excited to offer it’s members Personal Excess Liability Insurance through Equisure Inc. For a small fee you can be protected. To take advantage of this opportunity. This is Personal Excess Liability insurance! Details will be highlighted in our Summer newsletter coming to your mail boxes soon! FAQ will be sent to all members so you can be informed on the benefits.

43rd Annual American Heart Association Beach Ride
November 6-10, 2024 Location: TBA  For more information – or:

Medieval Times Dinner  & Tournament: SCHC Members Discount
Medieval Times
  SCHC existing members have been approved to purchase discounted tickets year-round through Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament e-ticketing solution. For your member discount  email for user name and password. Then follow the link below. Please visit:
Members Website Links
Members are welcome to share their website on SC Horse Council Network page. Each member is allowed one link with a reciprocal requirement. There will be no charge for a member’s link on our website for the entire year of 2015.  You have to be a current member to take advantage of this offer. To submit your website fill out web link form pdf.
Email to:
Make note in email; forward to webmaster.
Speedrite energizers – Perfect for all of your horse and livestock fencing needs.” 5% discount on products when you tell them you are a SCHC member.

Next Meeting:
Contact any Board of Director or check our calendar for information on meetings.
South Carolina Horse Council is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.