Originally called the South Carolina Horsemen’s Council, now updated to the South Carolina Horse Council was formed in 1993 by equestrians as a statewide organization and is a member of the American Horse Council.
Regardless of the breed, riding discipline or segment of the horse community with which the member identifies, the SCHC is working to keep opportunities open for all. The Board of Directors is composed of volunteer members as are all committees. SCHC activities and events are planned and coordinated by member volunteers. The Council is devoted to guaranteeing a future which continues to include horses, horse sports, and equine-related businesses in South Carolina.
The SCHC main mission is educational. Its primary purpose is to provide information and expertise about activities and issues which impact the common interests of the SC equine community and related industry without monetary gain or profit to its members or to any private individual.
Through education, communication, and advocacy the Council strives to favorably represent the views of the equine community to the general public, the media, government agencies, and elected officials. The Council encourages related research, disseminates information, and generally supports the common interests of the equine community and all segments thereof. The SCHC may engage in limited lobbying efforts. These include distribution of educational materials and educating law makers about proposed legislation and impacts on equestrian owners, activities and revenue to SC. The SCHC is a SC non-profit corporation. The SCHC is operated solely for such charitable and educational purposes as are consistent within the meaning of Section 501c3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.The vision of SCHC is to introduce every man, woman and child to the joys horses provide. As a part of that vision, we will provide a viable source for everyone to share the common bond of horsemanship and carry our collective interests to all communities and bodies of legislature. We further vow to bring to bear our full and collective resources to achieve these goals.
W.C. Fields - American actor, comedian, juggler...
SCHC and 501c3…
Since its founding the SCHC has been involved in issues which impact the equestrian community and reflect our motto that SC Horses Mean SC Business.
The many activities of the SCHC always promote, protect and further our right to own and keep horses and other equines for business and recreation.
The SCHC strives to connect, communicate, and educate our members, our elected and government officials, and the general public about the benefits of equestrian activities and the community and industry supported by those activities.
The SCHC is organized as a non-stock, non-profit corporation. Its primary purpose is to provide information and expertise about activities and issues which impact the common interests of the SC equine community and related industry without monetary gain or profit to its members or to any private individual. Through education, communication, and advocacy the Council strives to favorably represent the views of the equine community to the general public, the media, government agencies, and elected officials. The SCHC encourages related research, disseminates information, and generally supports the common interests of the equine community and all segments thereof.
Overview from 2009The SCHC was formed by equestrians as a statewide organization and is a member of the American Horse Council. Regardless of the breed, riding discipline, or segment of the horse community with which the member identifies, the SCHC is working to keep opportunities open for all. The Board of Directors is composed of volunteer members as are all committees. SCHC activities and events are planned and coordinated by member volunteers. The Council is devoted to guaranteeing a future which continues to include horses, horse sports, and equine – related businesses in SC.
The South Carolina Horse Council is organized as a non-stock, non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation.